Drawing on a Overlay

To draw on an overlay the user first must open a snapshot. To open a snapshot, either double-click on the desired snapshot icon or single-click the desired icon to focus on it and then select the Open Selected option from the Overlay menu item. You can draw on snapshots located in the Desk Drawer or linked snapshots to a particular topic.

Figure Opening a Snapshot.

After opening the snapshot, the Snapshot Window will be displayed, as in Figure The window area becomes writable on a selected overlay, allowing the current owner to use the different drawing tools, seen in Figure Figure only has one overlay attached to the snapshot, illustrated by only one overlay in right container.

Figure Snapshot Window.

How to Draw

Drawing on an overlay in the Snapshot Window is an easy task. The first step is to select the tool you want to use from the Drawing Toolbar in Figure Once a tool is selected, the next step is simply use that tool on the overlay surface as if it were any other drawing application.

The following sections in will cover how to use the various tool in the Drawing Window:

Figure Drawing Toolbar.

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