2.1. User Interface Overview

The screen appears as shown in Figure 2.1a when the user initially launches the EClass application.

Figure 2.1a: Initial screen.

The initial display consists of four windows: The Presentation Window, The EClass Chat window, The Drawing Tools Window, and the Roster Window.

The Presentation Window contains the lecture that the instructor presents, utilizing slide navigation controls. The default view when EClass is initially loaded is an empty lecture.

The Drawing Tools window allows the user to manipulate the current view on the Presentation Window by adding shapes to the Snapshot window.

The Roster window shows the members who are participating in the current session. Their names are listed by rows and there are fields that show the rights and activities of the user such as permissions, instructor attention, location, etc. Details concerning each field are discussed in section 2.5.1 Roster Overview.

The Chat window allows the user to chat amongst their peers or the instructor. There are tabs along the top of the window that allows the user to choose who they are chatting to. The cut, copy, and paste buttons are laid out on top of the input box.

Figure 2.1b shows an expansion of the command menus.

Figure 2.1b: Expanded command menus.

The File menu contains typical commands for manipulating data files and performing other system-level functions.

The Edit menu contains commands for manipulating EClass data during editing.

The Create menu contains commands relating to the creation of a new lecture.

The Present menu contains commands relating to the presentation of a lecture.

The Roster menu contains commands for manipulating members permission and adding/deleting members of the session.

The Chat menu contains commands for using the chat window.

The View menu contains commands to view or hide various windows within the application.

The 'Help' menu contains documentation to help to user do a particular task.

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