The Roster Window locates at the bottom left corner of the program interface as shown in Figure 2.5.1a.
Figure 2.5.1a. Location of the Roster window in the UI
The Roster interfaces for both the instructor and the students are the same. However, functions that are not available to the user would be disabled in his Roster interface. The following figure, Figure 2.5.1b, shows the user interface of the instructor Roster.
Figure 2.5.1b Instructor Roster
A breakdown of the user interface of the instructor Roster in Figure 2.5.1b:
'Minimize' -- It minimizes the Roster window.
'Maximize' -- It maximizes the Roster window to occupy the whole system screen.
'Close' -- It closes the Roster window. The Roster window can be reopened through the main menu bar.
'Current User Banner' -- It shows the current login user of the Roster window.
'Chat Groups Column' -- It provides a short-cut way to form chat groups. Click the student checkboxes under this column to select group members. After selecting the group members, click the speech bubble icon at the top of the column to confirm the group formation. The detailed way of forming chat groups is discussed in Section
'Question Queue Column' -- It indicates the students who are waiting to ask questions in the question queue. Details of the question queue are in Section
'Public Overlay Access Column' -- It indicates the students who request to access the public Overlay. The instructor can give permissions by clicking the checkboxes. Details of accessing public Overlay are in Section
'Class Name List' -- It shows the names of the students who are enrolled in the class in alphabetical order.
'Status List' -- It shows the login status of students. Students appear in the status lists according to their login status. Details of the login status are mentioned in Section 2.3.5.
'Question Queue Status Indicator' -- This function is disabled for instructors.
The following figure, Figure 2.5.1c, shows the user interface of the student roster.
Figure 2.5.1c Student Roster
A breakdown of the user interface of the student Roster:
'Minimize' -- It minimizes the Roster window
'Maximize' -- It maximizes the Roster window to occupy the whole system screen
'Close' -- It closes the Roster window. The Roster window can be reopened through main menu bar.
'Status List' -- It shows the login status of the rest of the class. Details of the login status are mentioned in Section 2.3.5.
'Question Queue Status Indicator' -- It shows the status of the student in the question queue. The student is not in the question queue when the indicator appears blank. When the student is in question queue, a numbered yellow light will appear in the indicator. Details of the question queue are in Section
'Current User Banner' -- It shows the current login user of the Roster window.
'Chat Groups Column' -- It provides a short-cut way to form chat groups. Click the student checkboxes under this column to select group members. After selecting the group members, click the speech bubble icon at the top of the column to confirm the group formation. The detailed way of forming chat groups is discussed in Section
'Question Queue Column' -- It indicates the students who are waiting to ask questions in the question queue. In the student Roster, this column only displays the question queue status.
'Public Overlay Access Column' -- It indicates the students who request to access the public Overlay. In the student Roster, this column only displays the Overlay access status.
'Class Name List' -- It shows the names of the students who are enrolled in the class in alphabetical order.
More detailed student information is shown on the contact card of each student. The instructor can view a student's contact card by moving the cursor to the student's name as shown in Figure 2.5.1d. Students can also view another student's contact card by moving the cursor to that student's name in their Roster.
Figure 2.5.1d. Viewing a student's contact card during lecture
Figure 2.5.1e. A student's contact card
A contact card contains the following information of a student:
Student's photo
Name of the student
Login status of the student in parentheses ()
Email address of the student
Machine ID of the computer the student is using. For students who are absent or logged in remotely, the 'Machine ID' field would be 'N/A'
Major of the student
Group name(s) in which the student belongs to. If the student is not assigned in a group, the 'Group' field would be 'None'
The contact card disappears when the cursor is moved away from the student's name.
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