Deleting Student(s) From Spreadsheet


The scenario under this section illustrates how to delete student(s) straight from the grade book spreadsheet. Users can delete student(s) straight from the spreadsheet by selecting the student(s) from the spreadsheet and delete the selected student (s) using the ‘Delete’ operation under the ‘Edit’ menu. This section shows three ways to delete student(s) from the spreadsheet, namely:


·         Deleting a single student

·         Deleting multiple adjacent students

·         Deleting multiple non-adjacent students


This scenario assumes that some data has already been added in an existing grade book as shown in Figure For the sake of simplicity, The scenario under this section only shows snippets of the grade sheet. For details on adding students, please refer to Section 2.4.1.



Figure A snippet of a spread sheet with some students and graded items.



To delete students straight from the main spreadsheet, the users select the student to be deleted by clicking the name of the student on the spreadsheet. As a response, the Grader Tool program highlights the row of selected student as shown in figure



Figure A snippet of a spread sheet with one student selected for deletion.



After selecting the desired students, the users delete the students by selecting the 'Delete' operation under the 'Edit' menu. In response, the Grader Tool delete sthe selected student(s) from the spreadsheet. As a response, the program updates the spreadsheet and shows the new state of the spreadsheet as shown in Figure



Figure A snippet of an updated spread sheet.



The users can also select multiple students from the spreadsheet. To select multiple adjacent rows of students, the users hold the shift key and click a range of student names in the spreadsheet. In response, the Grader Tool highlights the range of selected students as shown in figure



Figure Multiple adjacent students selected.



To delete the selected student, the users select the ‘Delete’ operation under the ‘Edit’ menu and the Grader Tool deletes the students from the spreadsheet. Figure shows the spreadsheet after the deletion of multiple adjacent students.



Figure A snippet of an updated spread sheet.



To select multiple non-adjacent rows of students, the users hold the control key and click on the name of students to be deleted. As shown in figure,the grader tool highlights the selected students as a response to the action.



Figure Multiple non-adjacent students selected.



As described earlier, the users select ‘Delete’ operation under the ‘Edit’ menu and the Grader Tool responds by deleting the highlighted students from the spreadsheet. Figure shows the updated spreadsheet after the deletion.



Figure A snippet of an updated spread sheet after deletion.


The methods of selecting multiple students at a time can be combined to make a selection of multiple adjacent rows and disjoint rows of students.

After selecting the desired students, the users delete the students by selecting the 'Delete' operation under the 'Edit' menu. In response, the Grader Tool deletes the selected student(s) from the spreadsheet.


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