2.6.3 Table


The table functionality of the grade scale tool has two tables: one table for absolute percentage grade distribution and another for relative percentage distribution. The instructor must choose which table will determine the grade distribution using the checkbox.


The absolute percentage table has a column for each possible grade. The displayed percentage for a given column indicates the maximum grade possible to receive that grade. For example, in Figure 2.6.3-1, the highest percentage that would receive a C would be 79%.


Figure 2.6.3-1


If a value higher than the maximum percentage of a grade immediately above is entered for the maximum percentage is entered, an error message box will be displayed and the input will be disregarded. In the same way, entering in a percentage lower than the maximum of a grade immediately below is entered, an error message box will be displayed and the input will be disregarded. A percentage equivalent to the maximum percentage of a grade immediately above or immediately below is allowed.


Once the data is entered, the other charts and graphs are modified to reflect the new grade distribution.


The relative percentage table also has a column entry for each possible grade.  The relative grade distribution table requires that the instructor enter in the percentage of students receiving the grade for each grade at once. Once the grades are entered, the new grade distribution is reflected on other charts and graphs.


In Figure 2.6.3-2 the grade scale has been changed so that 20 percent of the class receives each grade.  The absolute percentages have been modified to accommodate the new grade scale.


Figure 2.6.3-2



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