2.2.1. Creating a new gradebook and spreadsheet


This scenario shows how an individual can create a new gradebook and a new classroom spreadsheet. In this scenario, we assume that the user is an instructor or a professor who wants create a gradebook to keep track of student assignments for classrooms.

To create a gradebook, the instructor selects ‘File’ -> ‘New’ as shown in Figure 2.2.1-1.


Figure 2.2.1-1 : Navigation.

In response, a window dialog comes and the user fill in the required information as shown in Figure 2.2.1-2. In the first text box labeled ’Course Number’, enter the course number for the gradebook. In the second text box labeled ’Section Number’, enter the section number of the class.


Figure 2.2.1-2 : Window Dialogue.

An example of a completely filled in form is shown in Figure 2.2.1-3.

Figure 2.2.1-3 : Window Dialogue for a spreadsheet with one section .

If an instructor is teaching more than one section of the same course and wants to put it in the same gradebook, he may do so by adding a comma with another the section number as seen below in Figure 2.2.1-4. This data information is crucial when the instructor wants to update the roster and merge all sections together in the same gradebook.

Figure 2.2.1-4 : Window Dialogue for a spreadsheet with multiple sections.

Once the text boxes are filled in properly, the user clicks on the button ‘New’ to create a new gradebook. Then an empty gradebook spreadsheet comes up and is ready to use as seen in Figure 2.2.1-5.

Figure 2.2.1-5 : Empty Gradebook Spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet, by default is divided into 8 columns:

·         Student Name:  The name of the student in the class.

·         Student Username:  The username of the student with @calpoly.edu.

·         Student ID: The social security number of the student.

·         Major: The abbreviated major of the student.

·         Class ID: The abbreviated major of the student.

·         Class: The class year attending college of the student whether from freshman to grad student.

·         Units: The unit for the class.

·         Status: The status of enrollment. Either the student is enrolled or currently or the waiting list.

·         Score: The total numeric score in percent. .

·         Final Grade: The final letter grade used to submit to the university server.

All of the data fields except Final grade, and Class ID is provided by default from SIS when the user calls for a roster update. But for usability purpose, only 4 columns are provided, Student Name, Student ID, Class ID, and Final Grades. Class ID is useful when a professor is teaching more than 1 section of the same class and wants to merge all the sections together and sort the data by section.

To add another class spreadsheet, the user right-clicks on the tab and selects ‘New Spreadsheet’ as shown in Figure 2.2.1-6. Then a window dialog like shown in Figure 2.2.1-2 comes update for the user to fill in just like described above.

Figure 2.2.1-6 : New Additional Spreadsheet.

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