2.5.3 Creating a Dot Histogram

To create a dot histogram, first the instructor selects the Visualization tab and then a new window displays how to create visualization as shown in Figure 2.5.32.

FIGURE 2.5.32


In figure 2.5.33, the user selects class CPE308-01 and the Graded Items explorer appears.



FIGURE 2.5.33


In figure 2.5.34 the user expands the graded items, homework, ch1 to get to the check box.



FIGURE 2.5.34


In figure 2.5.35, the user selects the short answer checkbox.



FIGURE 2.5.35


In figure 2.5.36, we click the Create Graph to display our dot histogram.



FIGURE 2.5.36


Now in figure 2.5.37, if the user puts the mouse over one of the asterisks, it tells the user the actual percentage of the grade.




FIGURE 2.5.37


Here is a picture of what the grade book looks like by comparison to the grades as shown by figure 2.5.38


Now in figure 2.5.39, the user selects the line which becomes highlighted in white.  This will allow the user to modify the grade scale to add or subtract students from that grade.



FIGURE 2.5.39


Now in figure 2.5.40, the user puts the line down one spot to add one person to the B column.



FIGURE 2.5.40




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