2.8.2 Historical Grades

An inactive grade file viewed from the Grade Viewer is nearly identical to a student's personal grade file. Letter grades are displayed in a column adjacent to the point total in accordance with the how the instructor has set the grade scales for that particular class. The grading scale is accessible through the View menu. Historical class files are open to the public and can be viewed through the Grade Viewer. All options available to a personal student grade file work on a public (historical) grade file, except grade prediction. Historical files are generally classes in which the grading period has fully elapsed, i.e. they were final grades given to students. An example historical grade sheet is seen below in Figure 2.8.7

Figure 2.8.7: Grade Viewer: Historical Grade Sheet

Note: Screenshot does not match other GraderViewer screens, this is an old version, but still serves the bulk of a historical gradebook correctly.

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