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2.8 File and Edit Details

Most of the details of File and Edit can be found in section 2.1 and the version-specific sub-sections that accompany it. Some specifics are detailed below.

Open and Save As Dialogs

The File->Open and File->Save / Save As (when the user has not previously saved the vile, the Save As dialog opens). File->Open is shown in Figure 1. The File->Save As dialog is idential to Figure 1 with the name "Save As". Files that are not EasyGrader files will not be displayed. When the user saves a file, only the gradebook currently in focus is saved.
The EasyGrader file includes the student names, their ID numbers, the layout of the gradesheet, the names of the assignements, the grades associated with each item and the gradebook preferences (as defined in the formal model). These values can be empty. For example, in the case of the student version most names and IDs are omitted.
Figure 1

Fetch and Post Operations

For examples of post and fetch scenarios, see sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 for Instructor, Student and Teaching Assisstant uses of fetch and post respectively.

Undo and Redo

Undo and Redo store an unlimited number of operations. Operations are defined as anything that changes data - both in prediction mode and not. This means that opening windows are not "undone", but fetching grades/students, changing scores, adding or removing items or changing curves can all be undone. This list is not comprehensive: any operation that changes data that would be saved is undo-able.

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