1.5.3 Engrade

Engrade operates entirely online and comes as a free tool for teachers, students and possibly parents to interactively manage grades for a class. Engrade functions as a standalone program and can only export grades or attendance to Microsoft Excel. However, Engrade boasts cross-platform functionality, since one may manage their class grades using any internet browser. This flexibility, however, relies on access to the internet, which students may not always have. Engrade also features a calendar for its users to view when assignments are due as well as a description for the assignments written by the teacher. It also boasts a simple point-and-click attendance feature for every day of class. Finally, Engrade users may generate reports for missing assignments or overall grades in a printable format.

Overall, Engrade has a very easy learning curve and a simple interface, providing a quick, effective grade management resource for teachers and students alike. Unfortunately, Engrade's lack of necessary features requires much building upon to reach an effective grader program.

Good Features:

Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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