1.5. Related Systems

Popular commercial grading programs that provide similar functionality to PolyGrade include:

Each of these grading programs provide a variety of grade management functionality. Almost all of them operate online, allowing for built-in synchronization and internet activity. A few also provide extra features, such as tracking attendance and seating arrangement, which isn't a necessity for PolyGrade. The goal for PolyGrade is to incorportate the more prominent features of these grading programs, while embedding its own style of simplicity and accessibility. Several features PolyGrade introduces as its own include:

The goals for PolyGrade relating to a highly advanced gradebook environment for both instructors and students are hardly met by any of the above commercial systems.

A detailed review of each related grading program follows in these subsections:

Following these reviews, a summary of the features is provided in a feature comparison matrix .

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