1. Introduction

The following document specifies requirements for an electronic grading utility, PolyGrade. This tool provides functions to manage grades for groups of students across multiple classes. Instructors can use PolyGrade to edit student grades through the use of spreadsheets, charts, graphs, and a variety of other ways. There are also options for custom grades and the automatic calculation of deductions, penalties, and extra credit. Grades and rosters can be both uploaded and downloaded from a central server that authenticates user login information, allowing for use by instructors, teacher assistants, and students. Teacher assistants can log in to add grades and students can view and predict their grades using their own limited, local versions. In addition to the base functionality of a typical grader program, specific tools allow for teachers to adjust curves and weights for a class via a visual tool (chart, graph, etc.).

In addition to providing useful functionality, PolyGrade serves as a pedagogical example of software engineering concepts and principles. The software development artifacts for PolyGrade are considered part of the overall grading program package.

Further informational material is presented in these subsections:


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