1.1. Problem Statement

The general problems to be addressed by PolyGrade are the following:

  1. to provide a reliable and easy to use software tool that manages the grades of a teacher's classes
  2. to provide an anonymous way, through removal of name and ID, for students to check their grades and see how they compare to the rest of the students
While these problems have been solved by a number of commercially available and public domain products, PolyGrade provides a solution with certain functional improvements over existing tools. Specific problem areas are the following:
  1. allowing students to predict what grades are required to achieve a desired grade
  2. allowing the grading curve to be changed from various views while viewing all grades
  3. providing appropriate forms of graphs to view the spectrum of grades

PolyGrade addresses the requirements of a particular customer. This customer needs a tool with a collection of features not available in any single existing tool. This aspect of the problem is one of combining a set of existing features in a way that the features have yet to be combined in another product.

  1. interface with Cal Poly SIS, in two directions
  2. provide a centralized host repository where instructors post grades
  3. provide an application with more features than the web-based Blackboard currently used on campus

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