2.7.2 Predicting Grades

When students access the gradebook they have the option to predict their grade. Figure shows the initial screen when a student views the gradebook.

Figure Initial View

The student fills in the grade they wish to receive, which display in green. Figure shows the screen after the student enters their desired grade.

Figure Desired Grade Entered

The student clicks the predict button and the Grader calculates the grades needed to achieve the desired final grade. All values the Grader calculates display in red. Figure shows the screen after the student clicks predict.

Figure Results of Prediction

If the student enters a grade that is impossible to obtain the Grader shows an error message. Figure shows the error message for an impossible grade.

Figure Impossible Grade

The student may also enter any blank grades and the Grader will calculate the student's final grade from the entered information. Values the student enters display in green, and calculated values display in red. Figure shows the screen after the student clicks predict.

Figure Entering Scores

Class statistics do not update based on predicted and entered grades since the student's points possible are different from the points possible for the other students.

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