1.5.5 Cal Poly Computer Science Scheduling Tool (Lew Hitchner)
As of writing this document, Professor Lew Hitchner is the official Cal Poly Computer Science Department Scheduling Administrator, and has performed this duty for a number of years. Recently, he developed an electronic scheduling tool which utilizes a PHP interface connected to an SQL Database. It includes many filters for viewing schedule-related data, and includes both weekly and quarterly schedules. It is, however, a manual-edit and scheduling tool, and has no means of formally assessing preference strength or fairness. It is also limited to assigning times and lab rooms only; lecture rooms must be assigned by the Cal Poly administration office.
Good Features:
provides a schedule suitable for submission to the Cal Poly administration office
provides multiple view types with several filters such as specific courses and instructors or general categories (i.e. Technical Electives)
shows overlapping items and provides robust views for visual assesment of such items
subject to filters, provides the total number of hours of class scheduled on each day of the week
color codes class sections by Lecture or Lab designation
allows viewing of multiple quarters simultaneously
when generating the schedule for a new quarter, automatically replicates the schedule for the same quarter of the previous year.
great for viewing any number of items for a particular quarter, and also for comparing multiple quarters side-by-side (when using quarterly table view)
Bad Features:
provides only manual item editing
limited to a PHP interface
Must return to query interface in order to modify the current view
Multiple quarter viewing will overlap and become indistinguishable unlesss in quarterly table mode
preference specification limited to 1st and 2nd choice, and only as a side note
lecture rooms can be entered into the schedule, but only after assignment by the Cal Poly administration office
Missing Features:
no automatic schedule generation, only replication
no formal assessment of WTUs, preference strength, or fairness
no means for receiving or accounting for direct student or faculty input (e.g. four year plans, detailed preferences, complaints)
no means for assessing schedule fairness
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