2.2.2 Generation Walkthrough

This scenario shows an administrator generating a schedule.  Schedule generation is one of the key tasks of the Scheduler Tool.  In this scenario, it is assumed that the administrator has already loaded in the teacher preferences, the room list, and the class list.  This is started by clicking Schedule > New from the menu bar, and following the simple step by step process.  More details in loading databases are covered in Section 2.2.1.


To generate a schedule, the user selects from the menu bar Schedule > Generate Schedule, as in figure  The program generates several schedules, and displays the one with the best "fairness" value.  The “fairness” value is calculated based on how closely a teachers schedule and classes compare to their preferences.  For more information, “fairness” value is covered in Section 2.X.


Note:  Depending on system in which the program is run, this step may take a few minutes to complete.  The user can tell the computer is working if the Status bar states "Generating Schedules.  Please Wait." with a yellow background, such as in figure  If the user wishs to pause the process, select from the menu bar Schedule > Pause.  For more information on Pausing a generation, head to Section 2.2.4 .


The status window is changed during “Generate Schedule” Operations.  For each needed database it states “X database loaded” or “Error generating schedule, X database not found.  If all the databases are loaded correctly then it states “Generating Schedule: (progress bar)”.  If the process becomes paused, then it will display “Generation Paused”.  After it is complete, the status bar will state so by saying “Generation Complete. Fairness Value = #”. More information on fairness value can be found in section 2.3.3.  The schedule display (top portion) remains empty until the generation is complete. 

When the program is generating a schedule, it utilizes the selected databases (list of rooms avail, list of classes, list of teachers and their preferences) to match up teachers with classes, and those classes with rooms and times.
It also does this matching process while following a certain set rules or constraints:

More information on constraints can be found in section 2.3.2.


The User will know that the Generation step is complete when the Status bar displays "Generation Complete.  Fairness Value = ###." and the schedule is displayed in the central frame. An example is in figure  For more information on the Fairness Value, please check Section 2.3.3.


The top portion of the window displays the default view of the schedule generated.  Alternate views can be seen via the view menu, which is described in section 2.4.  The status displays that generation is complete, and the fairness value that goes with it.

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