2.7        Viewing the Schedule

-          When the user logs in to use the tool, they will be identified as either an Admin or a Instructor. The default schedule view will depend on which category the user is under.

o       The Admin’s default view is the “List View” which displays a large list of all of the classes currently scheduled, organized so that the lowest course numbers are at the top, the order of listing can be changed by clicking the top of each section. (see Figure 1)

Figure 2.7.1

o       The Instructor’s default view is the “Calender View” which displays the classes taught by the Instructor that is currently logged in. (see Figure 2)

Figure 2.7.2

-          The user can switch to any one of several different viewing formats as detailed in the sections below:

§         (2.7.1) Viewing by Instructor

§         (2.7.2) Viewing by Course

§         (2.7.3) Viewing by Weekly Pattern

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