2.4.2. Adding Faculty, Courses, and Rooms to database.

The admin first selects and starts the Database Manager. The Scheduler then displays the database manager of the form as shown in Figure 2.4-4. The admin then selects add course, add faculty, or add building.

Figure 2.4-4: Database Manager. Adding Courses

If the user selects add course, a screen of the form of Figure 2.4-5 is displayed. The user then enters the Department in the Dept field (i.e. CSC), the course number such as 308, and the course title. In this case Software Engineering I. The Course description may also be entered and should reflect the official catalog description for the course. Prerequisites should be entered in the Prequisites section as well if any exist. A Grade of P (passing) is equivalent to a D or Credit in a Credit/No Credit course.

Figure 2.4-5: Class Roster.

Once the user has filled in the fields the user selects the add button. The add course button will cause the course to be added to the master list of courses available to be offered. The fields will reset to empty and another course may be added or the user can select cancel which will return user to Database Manager as shown in Figure 2.4-4. Adding Faculty

If the admin selects add faculty, a screen of the form of Figure 2.4-6 is displayed. The admin then enters the Department in the Dept field (i.e. CSC), the Faculty members First, Last, and Middle name in the corresponding fields. The admin also selects the faculty members gender, full or part time and if the Faculty are currently active. Below these fields is a section of tabbed screens. The Contact information tab is shown. (Note: due to the lack of full development for Faculty fields only contact info fields are shown)

Figure 2.4-6: Add Faculty.

The admin may then enter the contact information for the Faculty member. The admin then can select add to add the Faculty member to the database. Once the member is added the fields are reset to empty and the admin may repeat steps to add more faculty or cancel to return to Database Manager screen as shown in Figure 2.4-4. Adding Buildings

If the admin selects add building, a screen of the form of Figure 2.4-7 is displayed. The admin will then enter building name and a building number as shown as well as the number of rooms contained within the building. The user will then either enter the coordinates from a gridded map of the campus for the building or click the use map button to click on a building in the map which will fill in the values for X and Y for the admin.

Figure 2.4-7: Add Building.

Figure 2.4-8 shows a screen of the form that can be expected if the admin used the Use Map button to get coordinates for the building. Note the coordinates will later be used to calculate classroom proximity for use in distance constraints versus time between scheduled courses for a particular instructor. In this case the admin had click building 14 on the map and the coordinates for the click were entered automatically into the fields X and Y as shown above in Figure 2.4-7 and the map is closed.

Figure 2.4-8: Use Map.

The admin then clicks the Create button. The building is then entered into the database for later use. Note: each classroom in the building is automatically generated and placed in the database using admin defined classroom default constraints. The fields are reset to empty. The admin may repeat the building creation process until finished and then select cancel. The admin will then be returned to the Database Manager screen again.
Here the selects edit building. The system responds with screen of the form in Figure 2.4-9. The admin will enter a building number and select the Select button. Once selected the system will then show the rooms in numeric order for the building in the scrolling list. Here only one room is shown as an example. The current features set for the room are marked below the scrolling window, but can be changed by select various features of the classroom. The changes then can be committed to the database by selecting update. Note: room removal will be removed from slide in near future and instead rooms will be either active or inactive if not available for instructional purposes. Also the screen will require a room number field since each room must have real room number assigned.

Figure 2.4-9: Edit Building.

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