2.2.2. Assigning Courses on a Per Quarter Basis

To assign courses for a schedule, the user selects the 'Assign Quarter' menu command. In response the system displays a screen of the form shown in figure 2.2.2-1.

Figure 2.2.2-1: Assign Quarter.

The upper combo-box will contain a listing of quarters which exist in the database. Upon selection of a quarter, the system displays a screen of the form shown in figure 2.2.2-2.

Figure 2.2.2-2: Quarter Selected.

The left scroll list is populated from the course database that is copied when a new quarter is created. The right scroll window will contain a list (Roster) of classes which have been added to a quarter. In figure 2.2.2-2, no classes have yet been assigned to the course roster. The admin selects a course from the left list. To add to the roster, the admin enters a numeric value into 'Number Sections' field to select the number of sections desired. The default is one section. The admin then clicks the add button which results in figure 2.2.2-3.

Figure 2.2.2-3: Class Roster.

This process may be continued until all classes for a particular quarter are added. If a class is accidentally added, it may be removed by selecting the course in the roster and then selecting the remove button. Once the user is finishing assigning courses for a quarter, they can click the "Update" button to save their changes.

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