1.5.3. The Class Scheduler

The class scheduler inputs the very same databases that our program needs to input. You first enter the instructor, classroom and class information into a database. This includes such data as time preferences, classroom resources required or available, class section and room sizes, etc. Once all of this data has been filled in, you may run the scheduler to allocate class sections to classrooms at times throughout the week.

Similar to our constraints, the class scheduler has controls that allow you to soften certain constraints if you wish. For example, if a certain class must be taught at 2PM to 4PM on Monday and Wednesday by a certain instructor and his preferred teaching times are in conflict, the part of the system that enforces the teacher preferences may be relaxed to allow the class to be scheduled at that time anyway. This is a very important feature because the teacher preferences are merely preferences and they do not necessarily always get what they want.

Good Features:

Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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