2.5.1 Constraints

Per request, the constraints will be pre-embedded into the Scheduler software. Rather than allowing the administrator to set constraints, the constraints are pre-set in the software development process. The pre-setting of the constraints allow the constraints to be fully implemented and tested prior to initial release. Note, the distinction between constraints and preferences are that constraints must be met, and preferences should be met.

The following constraints are implemented in the Scheduler software:

All classes should fall within the time patterns shown below (Figure 1) to maximize student's ability to schedule classes, minimize final exam conflicts, and best utilize classroom availability. For more information about University time pattern policies, please see the http://www.universityscheduling.calpoly.edu/time_patterns.html.

Figure University Time Pattern Constraints

Under the help link on top of the window, the user has the ability to view these constraints. See Figure 2 below to view the Constraints User Interface Window.

Figure Constraints User Interface Window

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