2.5.2 Viewing, editing, and moving scheduled items

Even though the schedule has already been generated, it is not set in stone. Entries can be moved around, or modified in other ways to fit the user's wants. In order to view an item in more detail, the user will double-click on it and a new window will appear containing all the information for that entry. In list view, an entry is considered as a row of data. In work week and day views, an entry is considered as a block between two hour marks.

After having clicked on an entry in list view, or an entry with only one scheduled item in day or work week views, the following window will be produced.

Detailed view of scheduled item
Figure Window displaying the specifics of an entry

The View window is segmented into four sections.

Time: The remaining item in this window is the "Lock this item" checkbox. As described in the main section, selecting this will lock all the values. When a scheduled item is locked, it won't be possible to change its values. This means when you click on "Generate" while in this phase, the locked scheduled items will stay intact and the rest of the schedule will be generated around them.
Not all of the values in the previous figure are editable. Only those that have been Bolded are editable. The values that have not been bolded are merely reflections of the database entries that match the editable fields. The mirrored fields are there to aid the admin in modifying the schedule.
By clicking on "Done", the values will be saved and the schedule will be updated to show any changes. When the admin clicks on "Cancel", any changes that have been made are not saved and the schedule remains the same.

On the other hand, if the user is in the day or work week view and there are multiple scheduled items for the same entry, double-clicking on that entry will produce a new window with the expanded list of all the scheduled items for that entry. From there, the user can click on a specific entry within that window, and the window will now contain the specific information for the scheduled item as shown in figure 6.

List of all scheduled items in entry
Figure Window displaying the list of all scheduled items in the entry

In order to further describe editing a scheduled item, the following scenario will show a before and after snapshot of the schedule and item when the scheduled item is switched from Staff as an instructor to an actual instructor in the database. Note that the Instructors, Rooms, and Courses used for this example are taken from the database management section.

Before any changes are made to the schedule, here is a snapshot of what it currently looks like, with one course still containing "Staff" as its instructor.

Before Schedule Edit
Figure The Schedule before editing

When looking at all of the specific information as shown in figure 6, the user has the ability to edit the information. This is done by simple changing the values in the editable text boxes. The following window will be brought up when the user double clicks on the entry in the schedule.

Editing the entry
Figure Window to edit a scheduled item

Notice that not all the information is editable. Only those that are in text boxes can be changed. To change the instructor from Staff to an actual instructor, the text boxes we will change are Last, First, and EMPLID. Once those text boxes have been filled, the other ineditable textboxes will automatically fill with the information of the instructor with the matching name and EmplID.

Editing the entry
Figure The Edited entry

When the user is done making changes to the scheduled item, he can click on "Done" to save everything. At this point, if there are any errors, such as if the instructor is in another course at that specified time, a message will pop up stating that the save cannot be completed.
Now, the schedule will show the changes. Here is a screenshot of that:

The resulting schedule
Figure The resulting schedule

In the work week and day views, the user has the liberty to drag and drop entries to change their start and end times. In work week view, they can be dragged between days and different hours, while in day view they can only be dragged between different hours. If the user clicks and drags only the top or bottom edge of the event, either the start or end time (respectively) will be changed.

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