2.5.3 Per-Term Database Tweaks and Regenerating

In order to get more desireable results without having to manually change the scheduled items themselves, it is possible to make small changes or "tweaks" to the per-term databases and regenerate the schedule. Recall that upon the initial generation of the schedule from the administrator window, the instructor, course, and room databases are copied over. This is so that if the admin would like to make changes to the database items for the current specific term, they can do so without changing the main database. Editing the database entries is exactly the same as written in the database scenarios. After the per-term database entries have been tweaked, the admin will select Generate to generate a new schedule reflecting the changes.

Alternatively, if the administrator does not even want to change the per term databases, they can just click on Generate. A different schedule is not guaranteed, however there is a good chance that the scheduling algorithm will choose different combinations for the scheduled items.

These methods of changing the generated schedule are particularly useful for resolving conflicts, since they don't require thinking of combinations for scheduled items.

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