2.2.2 Manual Test Generation

Manual test generation allows the instructor to begin creating a test from scratch; the test initially has no questions. In order to complete a manually-generated test, the instructor must search for and select all questions to put in the test. This section describes how to use the Test Generation Wizard to create a test with no questions, which can then be filled in manually with questions for which the instructor searches.

When the Test Generation Wizard first appears, the instructor enters the test name in the text box, the class for which the test is made in the combo box, and selects the Manual test generation option of the two available, then clicks Finish. This step is illustrated in 2.2.1 Automatic Test Generation.

The Edit Test window appears. The test to be edited has no questions at all. The process of collecting questions and adding them to the new test is explained in 2.2.3 Edit Test.

2.2.1. Auto Generation

2.2. Test Generation
2.2.3. Edit Test