2.5.2. Grade Manually

This section illustrates an instructor using the manual grading tool.  The instructor manually reviews a class of Graded Tests.  After all the students have submitted their Answered Test (see 2.4.2 Taking A Test) a graded test is derived.  The system calculates the mean, median, and mode according to the total results of each student's answered test.  These statistics show the instructor how the class scored relative to each other.

The instructor selects and opens the test to finalize students' grades.  The screen displays the entire test as if it were being answered by a student (see 2.4.1 Administering A Test).  The manual grading tool provides the ability to

»  grade student by student, or
  grade question by question.

The entire class roster is displayed clearly in an arranged list.  The instructor can choose each individual student's test or each question of the test to review the grades.  To review each question, the Question Navigation Controls allows the instructor to immediatedly jump to any specific question.  The tool also provides comments and feedback for an individual student's Graded Question.  A graded question is derived from an answered question but includes a calculated Success Rate. The success rate shows in a percent value the amount of students in the class who have answered this question correctly.

The grading interface contains features which help the instructor review and scan through a class of graded tests, and will be discussed throughout this section.  A display on the top of the window automatically calculates and displays total questions, points, time, overall class mean, median, and mode of the test.  At the bottom, the success rate of the current question is displayed.

Figure 2.5.2.i1: Test Grading Interface

On the right of the manually grading tool, Figure 2.5.2.i2 shows an arrangement of all the students in the class by alphabetical order (last name, first name) who have taken the test. A scroll bar helps the instructor move through the class roster.  The highlighted name indicates the current student's test, and above the roster in a dialog box, the current student's total test score and student ID are displayed.  To review another student's test, the instructor clicks on a different student's name in the roster.

Figure 2.5.2.i2: Class Roster

With questions indexed on the bottom, the instructor can jump to any question throughout the test. In Figure 2.5.2.i3 the Prev button allows the user to cycle backwards to the previous question. The Next button allows the user to cycle forward to the next question.  The First button will jump directly to first question and the Last button will jump directly to the last question.  In the middle is a drop down menu which contains the index to each individual question on the test.

Figure 2.5.2.i3: Question Naviagtion Controls

2.5.1. Automatic Grading

2.5. Test Grading