2.4.3. Taking a Practice Test

A practice test is a test that can be taken at any time by a student in order to prepare for a real exam or to get used to the functionality of the test taking tool.  Taking a practice test functions in almost exactly the same way as taking a normal, in-class test as described in section 2.4.2  Taking An In-Class Test.  The major difference is that in place of the normal Submit button, a practice test has a Grade button, as shown in Figure 2.4.3.i1.

Figure 2.4.3.i1: Practice Test Screen

When clicked, the Grade button will cause a dialogue box to open indicating whether the student answered correctly or incorrectly, as shown in Figures 2.4.3.i2 and 2.4.3.i3.

Figure 2.4.3.i2: Correct

Figure 2.4.3.i3: Incorrect

In the cases of Short Answer and Essay type questions where there is no single correct answer, a list of keywords that the student correctly included in their answer will be displayed.  A second minor difference in the practice test is that there is no timer.

2.4.2. Taking An In-Class Test

2.4. Test Taking

2.4.4. Taking A Take-Home Test