1.5.4. CQuest Assessment Software

CQuest is actually a suite of four separate software applications.  Each application is geared a little differently depending on the intended testing environment (LAN, Web, Personal (Home) computer, or Paper).  The review below is for "CQLAN".  CQLAN allows computerized test delivery over a LAN.  Alone, the software offers many great features if the user is interested in delivering exams over a LAN.  Taken all together, the software suite covers virtually all possible testing scenarios.

Each test delivery software package consists of three major activities: Authoring (creating tests), Test Delivery (Taking the Test), and Administration (Reports, Options, Controls).

This product is advertised as being able to adminster exams over a LAN. This is true to the extent that a student may access particular files/folders that may be over the LAN. A student will be directed to a particular directory (over a LAN) and given the option to select a particular test. Otherwise there is no "real-time" interaction between the proctor and the students taking the exam. The proctor doesn't really have "ultimate control" while administering the test.

This software has most of the features that the customer needs. It mainly lacks the small and specific details and features that the customer is looking for. Otherwise it has the features that the customer is looking for to successfully manage, create, and administer exams electronically.

Good Features:

Test/Quiz Features:


Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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