Import/Export Test Questions

This scenario shows a teacher exporting  the test database to a file and importing a database from a file. In this scenario, we will assume the teacher has added at least one question to the question database.

Figure 1 shows the teacher selects 'Import/Export' from the 'Repository' menu. The system brings up a dialog box shown in Figure 2 that allows the teacher to export to a file or import from a file. The Figure shows an 'Import/Export' dialog that contains two fields. The 'Save to file' fields specifies which file to save the question database. The 'Open from file' field specifies which database file to open.

Figure 1



Figure 2


The teacher chooses to save the file "Question_database.file" in the current folder in Figure 3. Once the teacher clicks 'OK' the system saves the file. Additionally, the system closes the 'Import/Export' dialog box.

Figure 3

Figure 1 shows the teacher selects 'Import/Export' from the 'Repository' menu. The system brings up a dialog box shown in Figure 2 that allows the teacher to export to a file or import from a file. The Figure shows an 'Import/Export' dialog that contains two fields. The teacher then clicks the 'Browse' button under the 'Open from file' dialog and selects a file to import as shown in Figure 4. The teacher selects a file under the 'CSC_101' folder as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 4


The teacher clicks 'Cancel' in Figure 5 and the system does not import the questions from the file. The system then closes the 'Import/Export' dialog.

Figure 5



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