1.1. Problem Statement

The general problems to be solved by the Test Tool are the following:
a. To provide a reliable and easy to use tool that allows a teacher to generate a test from a question bank given by certain criteria chosen at time of creation.
b. To provide an environment in which a student can customize the test taking enviroment editing details including but not limited to: showing a test timer, showing a question timer, changing the colors representations of status, and changing the default IDE. We believe this will allow the student to efficiently take the test.
c. To provide automatic grading and feedback where applicable, including but not limited to: multiple choice and fill in the blank.
Other programs on the market accomplish these tasks, however many you must pay for, and others will not accomplish all of these goals. The most common missed problem we wish to solve is providing the students an environment in which they can efficiently take a test with common test taking skills such as skipping a question or revising an answer. Our Test Tool will solve not only the problems that other commercial software solves, but improve upon what they have done and most importantly make the students as well as the teacher happy.
To accomplish this some features will include specialized features for test questions involving executable code. Another feature will be the ability for students to use this tool for take home tests, and recieve feedback that is not just a grade. This program can cut down on department spending since less paper will be used. Teachers may share databases of questions so as to form better, more rounded, tests. With features such as these Testtool will do a better job at test generation than what is currently available.

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