1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Test Tool project include:

  1. end users
    1. instructors
    2. proctors
    3. graders
    4. students
  2. system developers
  3. outside parties

End users are the people who will use the Test Tool; the primary end users are envisioned as members of the computer science department at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

The instructors will create, deploy, and grade tests. Proctors may assist in deploying tests, and graders may assist in the grading of said tests. Students will take the tests and receive grades based on their answers.

The system developers will be responsible for implementing the software. Josh Lange, Brian Colvin, Jacob Verburg, Nathan Dailey, and William Tracy are responsible for developing the project requirements.

Outside parties that would be interested in this tool could include other departments at Cal Poly, or even other schools. While the tool is planned as being tailored to the needs of the Cal Poly CSC/CPE department, there is no reason that it couldn't have broader appeal.

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