2.5.2 Use Case 2

Free Response Questions

This section references material covered in the Grading Test Over View which provides the background information the user needs to grade a test using the Test Grading Interface. It also uses terminology described in the Glossary.

For this use case there exists a test with 3 questions. This test was created using the methods illustrated in Test Generation use cases. The test was taken by a student using methods illustrated in Test Taking . The test was handed in using the methods illustrated in Test Grading- Handin.

From the main interface, the user chooses the test to grade "CSC_308_F07_Midterm" from the Tests pallette. The user then clicks on the Grade button on the Tests pallette.

The the grading view appears. A window with two arrows above and below each question is used to navigate from one question to the next or previous. Two arrows to the left and right of a question are used to navigate from one test the next or previous.

The first test question in the first test is displayed. The user decides to grade the third test. He clicks the right arrow (figure 1) button twice, located on the right side of the current test. The user decides to grade the 5th question. The user clicks the down arrow (figure 1) button 4 times, located on the bottom of the side of the current test.

Fill in the Blank

Question 5, a fill in the blank question, is displayed. The user is presented with a sentence about the C language. The sentence has two blanks.

" C is a general-purpose, block structured, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by __________ at the _______________ Laboratories for use with the Unix operating system." -wikipedia

The user is also presented with a list of two phrases that are the correct answers and a list of two answers that the student provided. The first item in the list is red. The student entered "Bill Gates", this is wrong. The second answer is yellow. The student answered "Bell Labitories" this is the correct answer misspelled. The user gives the student 5 out of 10 points for this question.

fill in the blank
Figure 1 Short Essay Question

Short Free Response

The user decides to grade the next question. The user clicks the down arrow 1 time. Question 6 is displayed. The user is presented with a sentence that asks for a short free response (figure 2).

"Write a sentence that describes what the c programming language was designed for."

The student's response is displayed. Three words in the student's response are highlighted in green: "system", "implementation" and "applications". The user gives the student a 10 out of 10 points for this question.

"C was designed as a system implementation language, it is also widely used for applications."

fill in the blank
Figure 2 Short Essay Question

Essay Question

The user decides to grade the next question. The user clicks the down arrow 1 time. Question 7 is displayed. The user is presented with a sentence that asks for a two paragraph free response answer (figure 3).

"Write two paragraphs that describes the c programming language's early development."

The student's response is displayed. Seven phrases in the student's response are highlighted in green: "Bell Labs", "Labs", "1969", .... and "B". The user gives the student a 10 out of 10 points for this question.

"The initial development of C occurred at ATT Bell Labs between 1969 and 1973; according to Ritchie, the most creative period occurred in 1972. It was named "C" because many of its features were derived from an earlier language called "B", which according to Ken Thompson was a stripped down version of the BCPL programming language. " - Wikipedia

fill in the blank
Figure 3 Short Essay Question


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