2.7 Details of Edit Commands

The scenarios for this section cover full details of edit-related commands, most of which is introduced in section 2.1.1. There is only one edit comand menus to be covered, because only the instructors application has a edit menu. For more detail on testtaking go to section 2.4 for more detail.

The following are the Edit commands:

2.7.1 Cut, Copy and Paste

The commands Edit->Cut, Edit->Copy and Edit->Paste have to deal with text modifications. When a user wants to cut a piece of text, which will delete the text and save it to clipboard for future pasting purposes, the user must select the desired text and click on Cut. When a user just wants to copy a piece of text to the clipboard for furtue pasting purposes, the user must select the desired text and click on Copy from the edit menu. Finally the Paste command from the Edit menu allows the text that was cut or copied to be pasted in the location of the text cursor.

2.7.2 Clear

The Edit->Clear allows the user to clear the selected items from the current interface, which most likely are test question items.

2.7.3 Selects

The 'Edit->Select All' and 'Edit->Select by Question Type...' commands both give the user the ability to select question items in the interface. The 'Select All' option will select every single question displayed in the current program interface. While the 'Select by Question Type...' allows the user to specify a question type and all the questions of that type will be selected.

2.7.4 Find and Replace

The 'Edit->Find' and 'Edit->Replace' allows the user to find certain text in the current program interface and do things to that text. The 'Find' command allows the user to search for a user specified text, that text is highlighted where found. The 'Replace' command also searches and finds the text specified by the user but this time it replaces with a specified replace value.