1.5.5. The Learning Manager Classic Edition

The 'Learning Manager Classic Edition'  by The Learning Management Corporation is a larger program that contains testing capabilities. This review will focus on the Learning Manager's testing capabilities.

Good Features:

  • TLM includes administrative access to create tests or modify existing tests in a shared online database.
  • This shared online database has archives of available test questions to use.
  • Security features include password protection for any transaction.
  • Practice tests can be posted with student access before an actual test. Test questions can include graphicical content, audio, or video.
  • Tests can be quickly generated with a few requirements (such as time duration, difficulty, ect.).
  • Questions can be weighted differently and given as Fill-in-blank, short answer, true/false, multiple choice, and instructor marked.
  • Essay questions can be presented for online grading by the instructor. The grading process includes interactive scoring and feedback.
  • Tests can be automatically graded immediately after the student has completed the test.
  • Bad Features:

  • Online course evaluations and instructor evaluations aren't needed as part of the testing process.
  • Giving students multiple attempts at a test isn't applicable in the chosen testing environment.

  • Missing Features:

  • TLM has no means of testing students on coding ability (by uploading a compiled file).
  • TLM doesn't support time extensions during a test.

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