2.2.3. Edit a Question in the Local Database

Over time a question may need to be updated or modified before being put on a test. This scenario shows an instructor editing a question in the local database. The user first highlights a question in the Question Database window as shown in figure 2.2.3.a.

Figure 2.2.3.a. A Highlighted Question in the Question Database

There are two ways to access the dialog box where the question is edited. The first is to select the 'Edit Question ...' option from the 'Database' command on the menu bar. The second option, which is faster and more convenient, is for the user to simply click the 'Edit Question' button on the bottom of the Question Database window. Both of these options are shown in figure 2.2.3.b.

Figure 2.2.3.b. Editing a Question in the Local Database

After the user decides to edit a question the process is exactly the same as editing a question on a test as shown in section 2.4.3. The difference between the two processes is that the 'Add' button now says 'Change' as shown in figure 2.2.3.c.

Figure 2.2.3.c. Editing a Question in the Local Database

The user after the user finishes editing the question he/she is taken back to an updated version of the Question Database window shown figure 2.2.3.d

Figure 2.2.3.d. Updated Question Database with a Changed Version of the T/F Question


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