2.2.2. Deleting a Question from the Local Database

An important part of managing the local database is the ability to remove questions from the database. To remove a question from the local database, the user selects the 'Database' command in the Generation menu once a question has been highlighted in Question Database window. From the 'Database' menu the user clicks on the 'Delete Question ...' option. This operation is shown in Figure 2.2.2.a.

Figure 2.2.2.a. Deleting a Question from the Local Database

When the user clicks 'Delete Question ...' a dialog box appears asking the user if he/she would like to continue with the process of deleting the question. This is shown in Figure 2.2.2.b.


Figure 2.2.2.b. Confirmation Dialog Box for Removing a Question from the Local Database

If the user selects 'NO' in the Question Removal Confirmation dialog box the question is not removed and the local database remains unchanged. If the user selects the 'YES' option from the Question Removal Confirmation dialog box the question is removed and the updated local database is displayed. This new local database, now without the T/F question asking whether G. Fisher is a computer science professor at Cal Poly, is displayed in figure 2.2.2.c.

Figure 2.2.2.c. Local Database after the Question is Removed


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