1. Introduction

The Test Tool provides functions for generating, managing, and editing electronic tests, for individual faculty users, departments, as well as students. Instructors use the Test Tool to manage a database of questions and generate tests from the database in a variety of useful ways. Also, Instructors can add new questions to the database for use by all faculty members in the department. Once generated, students can log into the system to take the test electronically, and receive automated grading where applicable. For convenience, Proctors may be given special privileges to administer and collect tests previously created by instructors. Administrative users govern the creation of new Instructor, Proctor, and Student ID's, as well as managing the question database.

In addition to providing useful functionality, the Test Tool serves as a pedagogical example of software engineering concepts and principles. The software development artifacts for the Test Tool are considered part of the overall Test Tool package.

Further introductory material is presented in these subsections:

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