1.2. System Personnel

The Personnel involved in the Test Tool project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:

a. System End Users
    i. Students
    ii. Professors
    iii. Administrators
    iv. Proctors
b. Customers
c. Project Managers
d. Domain Experts
e. System Developers
f. Other Parties

End users are those who use the Test Tool for its intended purpose. Student end users take tests and check grades. Professor end users have the ability to create exams and post grades while administrators manage the question database and system integrity. Finally, proctor end users administer exams. They have the ability to start, stop, and extend the length of an exam. They will not be able to create a test as a professor would.

The primary customer for the Test Tool project is Dr. Fisher. This project is being led by Kevin McCray and David Myers. Primary system developers for this project include Chris Noe, Matt Edwards, Kevin McCray, David Myers Nelson Bonilla and Sujit Polpaya. Domain experts for this project include all the project team members, Dr. Fisher, and any other students or professors who may be asked for input.

The Test Tool is intended to serve as an example for use in software engineering courses. The students who use the Test Tool for this purpose focus on the artifacts of its development rather than its use as a functioning tool.

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