1.1. Problem Statement

Presently, the testing methods used in the classroom are time consuming and inneficient. This Test Tool program aims to reduce these inneficiencies, as well as provide a secure testing environment. The Test Tool program will help solve issues in the following areas of the testing process:

• Test generation

Creating tests by cutting and pasting individual questions from a text document is time consuming. The Test Tool program will eliminate this by making test creation quick, easy, and much more productive. Another common issue is the availability of test questions. The Test Tool will use a shared online question database which will make test questions much more available to administrators.

• Test taking

The Test Tool program will allow students to take tests on a computer, as opposed to the "pencil and paper" method used more commonly. Practice tests can be made electronically available to students much more efficiently than distribution on paper in class.

• Test grading and statistics

The largest problem with grading seems to be in the delay to the student. Usually after taking a test, students wait up too a week before they are given their grade. This program addresses this issue by allowing tests to be graded automatically so that students can receive their grade right after they submit the test. This alows the instructor to focus on more important things than grading tests.

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