2.8.6. Remove a Question from the Database

The process for removing a question from a database requires only a few steps. The user must first find the question to remove in either database list of questions. Once the question has been found, click anywhere on that question. By clicking on a question, that question will become highlighted as Figure 2.8.6.a. shows.

Figure 2.8.6.a. Before Question is Removed

Once the question is highlighted, the user should click on the 'Remove Question from the Database' button. A warning box will appear to ask if the user really wants to remove the question as shown in Figure 2.8.6.b.

Figure 2.8.6.b. Remove Question Warning Box

If the user clicks on the 'YES' button in the removal warning window, the selected question is removed from the database. If the 'NO' button is clicked then the selected question will not be removed and the user is returned to the main shared database screen. Figure 2.8.6.c. shows the result of the question list after the selected question has been removed.

Figure 2.8.6.c. After Question is Removed

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