2.8. Managing Shared Database

The shared database is Test Tool's main database of questions. This database will be located on a server. Professors who have access to this server will be able to login and maintain the database by adding, removing, editing, or downloading questions. To access the server from the main Test Tool, the user must click on 'Database' and choose the 'Server' option. By clicking on the 'Server' option, the following login screen will appear.

Figure 2.8.a. Server Login Screen

When promted for a user ID and password, the user should enter the ID and password given by the system administrator. To add a user to the server, see Section 2.9. Image 2.8.1.b. shows an example of a filled in login screen. The password filled is hidden by replacing each character with an asterisk.

Figure 2.8.b. Server Login Screen

After the user ID and password have been entered, the user should click the 'OK' button. If the login information is correct, the user will be taken to the main shared database screen. If the login was unsuccessful an error message will appear and ask the user to enter their information again.

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