2.7. Grading a Test

The tests taken by students using the Test Tool are saved in a folder chosen by the proctor (See section 2.5). These tests are saved with unique filenames, the student ID or number. The first step in the grading process is to download this entire folder to a local computer using a file transfer applications like FTP or SSH. Once the download is complete, tests are ready to be graded.

There are two ways to grade tests in the Test Tool - automatic and manual. Automatic grading process grades multiple tests at a time, and the manual grading process allows the user, typically an instructor or a  grader assigned by the instructor, to grade an individual test or a question at a time. The scenarios in this section shows the user how to grade tests taken using the Test Tool automatically or manually, assign points and add feedback to questions if necessary. After the grading is complete, the graded tests are saved in a separate folder chosen by the grader. To make the graded tests available to the students, the grader can copy this folder to a server computer. Students can logon to this server with their username and password to retrieve their graded tests.

The following links guides the user through the grading process in the Test Tool software.

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