2.8.5. Edit a Question

The process for editing a question requires only a few steps. The user must first find the question to edit in either database. Once the question has been found, click anywhere on that question. By clicking on a question, that question will become highlighted as Figure 2.8.5.a. shows.

Figure 2.8.5.a. Before Question is Edited

Once the user has highed the question, the user should click on the 'Edit Question' button below the shared database question list. By clicking on the button, the box in Figure 2.8.5.b. will show up.

Figure 2.8.5.b. Edit Question Box

The user can then edit the question as needed. Once the question has been changed, the user can click on the 'OK' button to save and exit or click on the 'Cancel' button to exit without saving the changes.

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