2.8.4. Upload a Question to the Shared Database

The process for uploading a question from the local database to the shared database requires only a few steps. The user must first find the question to upload in the local database list of questions. Once the question has been found, click anywhere on that question. By clicking on a question, that question will become highlighted as Figure 2.8.4.a. shows.

Figure 2.8.4.a. Before Question Upload

Once the question is highlighted, the user should click on the right pointing arrow between the question databases. The question will then be copied from the local database to the shared database. Figure 2.8.4.b. shows the state of each database after the transfer is complete. When the file is transfered to the shared database the author of the file is considered to be the user who uploads the file. The user name of the uploader will be associated with the file in the shared database.

Figure 2.8.4.b. After Question Upload

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