CSC 402 Milestone 7

CSC 402 Milestone 7

Revised 31 October


Phase 1 Release Inspection Test: 2pm Monday 31 October
In-Class Rehearsals: 2pm Friday 4 November
In-Class Presentations: 2pm Friday 4 November
Other Deliverables: 11:59pm Friday 4 November


The team-specific tasks for Milestone 7 are a continuation of those begin in Milestones 5 and 6, with necessary appropriate adjustments to be determined. There is also an all-class task due on Monday 31 October, by the beginning of class. The tasks are the following


    By the start of class on Monday 31 October, all class members will complete an inspection test of the phase 1 requirements walk-throughs. The Phase 1 release is here:

    There are copy editor comments on the release here:

    Your task for Monday is to evaluate the released walk-through using the same inspection test criteria you used earlier in the quarter. Specifically, evaluate each slide on these criteria:

    For the overall presentation, evaluate with these criteria:

    Please be detailed and specific about your comments. For example, if some particular aspect of the UI does not look like it is well designed, say so, and suggest an alternative UI design. You can also be very specific about the narrative in the slide "blurbs". Is it clear enough, complete enough, to the point?

    An inspection test template is at

    You can use this HTML template, or produce your own that looks the same. If you want some further discussion of this form of inspection testing, see the 308 standard operating procedures on inspection testing.

    Submit your completed inspection test report to your ID-named directory of the scheduler project repository:

    Name you inspection file "release-inspection.html".

    Be prepared to discuss your inspection results in class on Monday.

  2. Requirements Team:

    1. Phase 2 requirements slide show, with the following features:

      1. All interview functionality incorporated.

      2. All phase 1 feedback functionality incorporated.

      3. Alternative slides for:
        • tabular and dialog-based editing
        • five different forms of schedule viewing
        • one-click feedback link to topic-specific thread of the forum

    2. Underlying model requirements model fully reconciled with prototyping team.

    3. UI content fully reconciled with prototyping team, with look and feel reconciled as much as possible. "As much as possible" needs to be defined precisely.

    4. New item, not in original posting of Milestone 7: Each requirements team member must have one complete scenario of a high-priority feature. The definition of complete is the following is base on the scenario-style presentation conventions presented in CSC 308 lecture notes weeks 3 and 4 , and exemplified in the 308 Milestone 6 example in particular sections 2.2 and 2.3.x

  3. Prototyping Team:

    1. Client-deployable prototype, demonstrated and deployed to client, by appointments to be scheduled as early as 11AM Friday 4 November.

    2. Underlying model requirements model fully reconciled with prototyping team.

    3. UI content fully reconciled with prototyping team, with look and feel reconciled as much as possible. "As much as possible" needs to be defined precisely.

    4. New item, not in original posting of Milestone 7: An 80% finished interface that corresponds to each of the finished scenarios from requirements Task 1d.

  4. Infrastructure Team:

    1. Marketing Group: Decision made on product identity and logo incorporated as appropriate into Phase 2 release.

    2. Usability Group: Usability testing ready for execution on 402 students and selected clients.

Issues that Must Be Resolved in Preceding Tasks

  1. For the requirements walk-through, the following specific items from the copy editor comments on the Phase 1 deliverable:

    1. Standardized banner, boundary, and layout of slides

    2. Finalized toolbar, with 'More Details' link to UI overview scenario.

    3. Finalized 'Generate New Schedule' UI.

    4. At least one slide with context-specific error message, instead of isolated error message.

    5. Improved layout for schedule setup.

    6. Substantially refined versions of four different forms of schedule view.

    7. Substantially refined versions of filtering functionality, including explanation of interaction details.

    8. Complete consistency among three different data management UIs -- instructors, courses, locations, including removal of per-line Edit and Delete buttons in favor of single buttons on bottom, and explanation of user selection action.

    9. Fully clear explanation of the distinction between local schedule edits versus permanent database edits

  2. Other walk-through features that must be present:

    1. A 'More Details' link for all the the slides that have companion complete scenarios

    2. Somewhere in the presentation, a reference link to the appendix that contains the complete schedule data.

    3. 100% UI compatibility with prototype, for those parts of the UI that are available in the prototype.

  3. For the prototype:

    1. 100% UI compatibility with requirements scenarios, for those parts of the UI that are available in the prototype.

    2. Clear and concise client-targeted instructions for deploying and using the prototype. These instructions will be placed in a 'Prototype' page in the main website.

    3. Free-form breakage testing performed by all 402 class members. There is a template to use for this testing here in the repository:
      Submit your completed defect test report to your ID-named directory of the scheduler project repository:
      Name your testing file "defect-report.html".

    4. Systematic QA testing performed by prototyping team, with results reported in
      By its nature, the prototype does not need to pass all tests, but for those tests that fail, the failing feature must be removed and replaced with a dialog that explains the feature and says that it will be present in a future release. A sample template for QA testing is here
      which template you can use directly or modify.

  4. For the usability study:

    1. Whether or not the prototype is ready for client deployment, there must be a prototype-based usability experiment for the following functionality:

      1. four different forms of schedule view

      2. at least one performance task, such as "find the assigned teachers for all sections of CHEM 124"

    2. At minimum, the study must be executable by the entire 402 class.

    3. The logistics of conducting the studies in the usability lab must be part of the usability experiment.

  5. For the marketing group:

    1. If a substantial majority of the class is comfortable with choosing a name, then the choice must be made by Monday 31 October.

    2. If a name is not chosen, then a suitable generic substitute must be chosen for the name that will be used in the Phase 2 requirements and prototype releases.