This page represents joint work with Peabody Charter School's 5th grade in order to introduce the students to some basics related to text based computer programming. This curriculum is being jointly developed by myself, Z. Wood, 5th grade teacher, J. Wilcox and Cal Poly student, K. Davis. This work was developed in 2014-2015. This curriculum is focused on using Processing and topics include: 2D coordinates, number sense, and specific programs that explore 5th grade curriculum (the solar system, water cycle, etc.)
For parents, you can download Processing and have your student play with any of this base code (or their own at home).
Week 1 - puzzle handout Week 1 - starting code |
Marching ant ant - starting code (variables) |
Puzzle shape - ellipse puzzle handout |
Ellipse Face - play with ellipse |
Shape Puzzle - house puzzle House puzzle - starting code Comment: in order to mix things up and allow students to `see' more complex code structures, this code includes a reward for when a student has completed the task of moving the pieces to the correct locations. Once the student has the house in the correct place, they can change the boolean variable `anim' to true and see what happens |
Arbitrary shapes - finish creature Creature - start exercise - finish shape |
Pumpkin nose practice - start exercise - Add a nose to practice! |
Create Your own - design a creature Cat example |
curriculum: Planetary orbits start - set orbital periods correctly Reflection: These orbital paths are approximate. The students really enjoyed this - we encouraged them to wait until the white boxes (counting earth years) reached their age and they could reflect on how little Neptune had traversed its orbital path |
curriculum- water cycle water cycle - starting code Comment: once the student has the sun correctly modeled, they can change the boolean variable `waterCycle' to true and the system will be enabled |
curriculum: chemistry - water states of matter chemistry: starting code |
Winter scene - starting code (methods) |
intermediate: intoduction to animation/variables |
intermediate: ball velocity - velocity and if statements ball velocity: starting code Comment: students enjoyed this - velocities making more sense |
intermediate (velocities): Your turn to dance - velocities starting code second option - key press |
intermediate (velocities 2): Your turn to dance game- velocities and position logic starting code handout describing tasks |
intermediate (positions): Creature Design - positions starting code handout describing tasks Personalize this space game - starting code Download the background image as well! Version 2.0 - Personalize this space game - starting code Download the background image as well! |
advanced: conditionals - ball bounce - if statements ball bounce: starting code Comment: students were not ready for this code - there were too many new concepts... we need to break apart understanding of velocity and if/else |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Contact info:
email: zwood "at"
Z. Wood home page