There are 10 different things a player needs to be aware of:
1. Moving and Shooting:
Pressing 'a' or the left arrow key slides the camera to the
left, making the world appear to slide to the right.
Pressing 'd' or the right arrow key slides the camera to the
right, making the world appear to slide to the left.
Pressing 'w' or the up arrow key moves the camera forward,
making the world appear to come towards the camera.
Pressing 's' or the down arrow key moves the camera backwards,
making the world appear to move away from the camera.
Clicking the mouse with the left click tells the camera to start rotating in the direction of the movement of the mouse. This allows the user to turn as he or she is moving in the world.
The vertical angle (yaw) is limited to about 15 degrees above and below horizontal, but the player rotation about the vertical vector (pitch) is unlimited.
You can shoot an arrow by typing SPACEBAR. You will be temporarily unable to move until the game tells you the result of the shot. It's for your own safety :)
2. Life: Life points in the top left corner start at 4000. If you run into a minion before it is shot, life goes down by 1000, giving the player 4 chances before he or she dies (Life=0).
3. Percepts: Right below the life, there are hints as to what the agent notices around itself.
a. You feel safe...
There are no monsters, pits, or goal North, South, East, or West of you. There may be obstacles in the diagonal boxes around you, so be careful when moving diagonally.
b. You hear a minion nearby...
One or more Wumpus Minions are North, South, East, and/or West of you. If you encounter a minion before shooting it, you lose 1000 life. Zero life, and you lose.
c. You feel a breeze...
One or more pits are North, South, East, and/or West of you. If you fall into a pit... guess what, you die. Zero life.
d. You smell something terrible...
The Wumpus is North, South, East, or West of you. If you encounter a Wumpus before shooting it... guess what, you die. Zero life.
e. You see something shimmering...
The goal is North, South, East, or West of you. Find it and you win!
4. Movement Cost: Displayed at the bottom left. The more you move, the more it will cost you.
5. Arrows Shot: Displayed at the bottom left. The more you shoot, the more it will cost you.
6. Heading: The direction you are facing. This is primarily to warn the user if they are moving diagonally or not.
7. Distance to Goal: Displayed at the bottom left. This is to help the player move the right direction (towards) the goal.
8. Shooting the Arrow: SPACEBAR shoots the arrow. It moves horizontally until it hits either a Wumpus, minion, or wall. If it hits a minion, "You hear a shriek!", if it hits a Wumpus, "You hear a loud roar!", and if you hit a wall, "You hear nothing...".
9. Help: Type ESC to read the help menu. I think you got it already though.
10. Final Score: Displayed at the end of the game.
Final Score = 5000 - MovementCost - ArrowsShot*100 - DistanceToGoal*100 + LifePoints.
So max score is 9000. If you start on the goal. Not going to happen. Good Luck ;)
A map can only have the following characters: S,G,1,2,5,-,X
S: Starting Location (only 1 allowed or behavior undetermined)
G: Goal Location (only 1 allowed or behavior undetermined)
1: Minion (any amount is allowed)
2: Pit (any amount is allowed)
5: Wumpus (any amount is allowed, 1 is preferred)
X: Wall (any amount is allowed)
The first line of the map MUST be 2 magic numbers...
The next MAPHEIGHT lines must be MAPWIDTH long to read map properly.
There must be no more lines in the file than MAPHEIGHT + 1.
Only the above mentioned characters are allowed.