Header image  
Designed by Brig Bagley  



Windows Systems

Some Windows OSs do not yet have GLUT installed. You will need this to run the Wumpus World. You can downlad the GLUT headers and DLLs here. Follow the README for instructions. You will basically be putting the glut32.dll in either WINDOWS/System or WINDOWS/System32.

Download the Wumpus World

To run the program, extract the contents into a folder on your system. Double click the executable 'WumpusWorld.exe.' Follow the command prompt instructions.

Unix Systems

Download the Wumpus World

To run the program, extract the contents into a folder on your system. In a terminal, make that directory you current directory, then type:



./WumpusWorld MAP_PATHNAME if you created a map of your own.

Follow the command prompt instructions.

Beware of...