Nick Feeney - Manager
Nick Feeney was the manager of the project and established the coding style of the game to get the ball rolling. Along with all the troubleshooting and managing, he specialized in the design and development of the flashlight.
Michael Boyd
Michael Boyd was the modeler and touch-up man. He modeled all of the collectables and worked on features that helped create the feel of the game. He also worked on the lighting and texturing of the game. Also he got the music and mist working to further increase the scare factor.
Seokjune Hong
Seokjune Hong did the coding for the team. He created the repository for the project and managed the wiki website. Additionally, Seokjune designed and developed the particle system used to animate the death of a ghost and the dust effect. Also he worked on balancing the game play of the ghosts so the ghost respawns and steal item from the player.
Billy McVicker
Billy McVicker was a code monkey on the team working long hours and many late nights to make up for his absence the last two weeks of the project. He specialized in building the platform, i.e. coding the map, view frustum culling, spacial data structures. He also was the go to man for when the program crashed.
Jessica Wong
Jessica Wong was a code monkey and an artist on the team. She specialized in texture mapping and decorating the scene through inserting non-animated and animated pictures, creating bookshelves, creating lamps, etc. She also worked on the art included in the game such as the beginning splash screen.