2.5.1. Using the Item Explorer Window

This scenario shows how an individual uses the Item Explorer window to select which columns are shown on the Grade Spreadsheet. In this scenario, we assume that the user has only the default settings and has already created 15 students (covered in section 2.3.2.), as well as 3 tests (Midterms: M1 & M2, a Final, and a Quiz) (covered in section 2.4.2.).

To start with, the Item Explorer window has all of the major assignment types for this class: Tests, Programs, and Labs. The percentage on the right of the assignment type is the overall class average for that category. The percentage in the spreadsheet is showing each student's average for that category. The Grade Spreadsheet mirrors the categories shown in the Item Explorer window, as seen in Figure

Figure Default view of Item Explorer window/Grade Spreadsheet.

The arrow pointing to the right signifies a category that contains further sub-categories. Right now, all 3 categories are not opened. Clicking the arrow next to Tests in the Collapse window or on the Grade Spreadsheet opens the Tests category showing its sub-categories. The Grade Spreadsheet and Item Explorer window will update together, so clicking the arrow on either will update both.

The arrow next to Tests is now pointing down, which signifies it is showing its sub-categories. No arrow signifies an assignment. In this case, it shows the Quizzes sub-category, Midterms sub-category and a test named Final. The percentages in the Quizzes and Midterms columns are still showing the student's average, while the percentages in the Final column are showing the student's grade on the test. The overall averages are also shown in the Item Explorer window.

The updated windows are shown in Figure

Figure Showing Tests sub-categories.

The user then clicks the Midterms sub-category arrow, which shows M1 and M2. The percentages shown for a student's average grade in a sub-category are not editable. When an assignment is reached it is possible to edit the grades. M1 and M2 are shown in Figure Note: M2 has been created, but not graded yet.

Figure M1 and M2 are shown.

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