2.1 User Interface Overview

The Scheduler Tool has three seperate interfaces, each for a different user of the application. The Scheduler Tool consists of a desktop application, which will be acessible only by administrators of the Scheduler Tool, as well as an online web application that is accesible by administrators, instructors, and students. Instructors and students will be able to enter preferences on this web application and view schedules generated by administrators. The initial user interfaces for each account are described in the following sections:
The Instructor and Student interfaces are only accessible when a user logs in to the Scheduler Tool. The login form is shown in the following figure:

Figure 2.1.1. Scheduler Tool login for Instructors and Students

Figure 2.1.1 will be the initial interface that is shown to a user when accessing the online Scheduler Tool. After the user enters their Username and Password in the textfields and clicks the "Login" button, they will be directed to the main Student or Instructor interface.

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